Congrats to our first ever Hood Savior's Project of the Week Winner
“Based on A True Story” B.O.A.T.S. tells the story of Yakstevo and dealing with the troubles of losing his father, being doubted and having to do it on his own, There were tons of talented entries and it was hard to pick just one winner, but this is one of my favorite projects out rn. Not to mention, he has been doing absolute numbers on SoundCloud, gaining 2,000+ listens in just 5 days for a total of 11,000 SoundCloud plays on this song alone. Yakstevo has four total tapes on SoundCloud and he is consistently raising the bar for his music with each new drop. Follow @Yakstevo for news regarding “B.O.A.T.S” and also his new collaboration with Cvshy (IG: @cvshy) dropping THIS SUMMER!
